Washing your Washing Machine?

Cleaning the house is not fun. I don't like it. I don't know anyone who does. (I'm sure there are people out there that love to clean. I just don't know any of them.) It's never ending. I think that is what I don't like about it. You just have to keep cleaning the same things over and over again. The chore I hate the worst at my house is laundry. I don't mind washing clothes usually, but I hate putting them away. I don't know why. It isn't hard. I even sort the clean laundry into baskets for each of the kids to put away on their own.

I know that there are lots of people who let their kids wash their own clothes. I don't like to wash lots of small loads, so we will continue to do loads together. The kids will wash loads of everyone's clothes as a chore sometimes. They know how to wash clothes, so they won't be lost when they are on their own someday.

We do lots of laundry, but it never occurred to me that my washing machine might be dirty. I mean we wash loads and loads of dirty clothes every week. That washing cycle fills up with water and just agitates that dirty water around the washing machine for about 10 minutes. One day I saw a pin on Pinterest that talked about cleaning your washing machine. So I went and looked at mine. Yuck! It looked so dirty at the top where the water line ends. I immediately followed the directions in the pin and cleaned it. It sparkled! It was clean and beautiful. I feel like it did a better job cleaning our clothes too. (That might just be psychological though.)

Well I have noticed that it is time to clean my washing machine again. Time to revisit that pin in my Tried This page. It is a pin from the blog One Good Thing by Jillee. She has updated this post since the last time I tried it and I'm excited to do it again. She has instructions for cleaning a top loading machine (which is what I have) or a front loading machine too.

I guess I know what my job is going to be tomorrow. Cleaning the machine that is washing loads of clothes today. Laundry may not be my favorite, but I can try to make the job easier. That is a good thing!


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