Talented People Make Me Happy

I guess I should clarify.  Talented people who share their talents make me happy.  I can appreciate talents in others, but when they share them with others I am thankful.  I have sharing time at church this month and I'm always looking for ideas.  However, I want ideas that follow the sharing time manual.  I see some ideas online and I think that's a great idea of something to do, but what does it have to do with what we are supposed to be teaching?  I found the BEST blog ever it's  lifesjourneytoperfection.blogspot.com  She follows the manual and designs printoffs to go with the lesson.  And she does it all for no cost.  Her downloads are free.  I love her ideas too.  They are simple and straight forward and she even has a "script" that you can follow if you need to. 
I have had a crazy busy week this past week and while I had looked at the theme for Sunday, I hadn't spent much time on it.  So on Saturday, I got on her site and printed off her cute designs and was ready to go.  (Of course I did do a little more than that to prepare, but it was a HUGE headstart!)
So as we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, I will add that awesome blog to my thankful list.  And of course my thankful list makes me happy!


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