Quick, Easy, No Sew Sock Octopus!

My daughter loves to make creations out of old socks. A while ago I actually bought her some cute stripped ankle socks that she could use to craft with. (Her older sister did snag a pair or two to actually wear!) The other day we were searching Pinterest for a fun craft idea to do together when we came across a cute octopus stuffed animal. There were no instructions just a link to an Etsy shop. (They octopus was no longer available.) My daughter immediately thought of that stash of socks and it was decided. Obviously, longer socks would have been better. If we make these again I will be buying cute knee socks!

Since there were no instructions and we were using ankle sized socks, we had to come up with our own way of making these cute little sea creatures.

We started by using Poly-Fil to make the head. It worked out best when we kind of shaped it into a ball before putting it into the toe of the sock. We filled them until we got the desired shape and firmness.

We used a small rubber band to "tie" the head portion closed. Since we had some sock left but not enough, we cut off the rest of the sock. We left about a 2 inches past the rubber band.

We cut a small hole in the top of the toe and put it over our overhang of the head portion. We pulled it up a little bit and then used another rubber band to hold it securely in place.

We did have to cut off the heel part of the 2nd sock first. Once it was in place we were ready to cut.

An octopus has eight legs and so it was time to cut eight strips from the bottom sock.

The ends of the "legs" curled up on their own as we cut them. We liked how it looked.

It was now time for the eyes. The octopus that we saw on Pinterest had eyes cut out of felt, so we tried that. We didn't completely love the results though. Of course it didn't help that we didn't have any black felt. So we decided to do some felt and then add a googly eye.

These were completely no sew. In fact the only thing we even pulled the glue gun out for was for the eyes. These were super easy and a fun way to spend an afternoon. The nice thing about these is you can't mess them up. You might just end up giving them more character. As you might notice, this octopus has a lot more than eight legs. My daughter got a little carried away with the scissors. Doesn't matter though. Her jailbird looking octopus just has more legs to swim away with. Great day!


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