Kids Closets

I don't know why it's so hard to keep closets organized. I try to put like colors together or type of shirts together or some other way. For instance, in my daughter's closet I try to keep her play clothes separate from her school clothes and dresses. I always have a plan, but then my husband or kids will help with laundry. They will put things anywhere in the closet. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it. I think that I would rather have them do laundry than put things in the "right" spot. But it does get a little tricky though because things sometimes get "lost" in the back of the closet.

Today we went through my daughters closet. This year I am determined to not buy more than what I need to. So we organized and got rid of old, damaged or too small clothes. A section for play clothes. Okay clothes that I would rather she didn't wear for school. Because they are a little worn looking. A section for school clothes. A section for sweaters and jackets. A section for skirts. A section for "casual" dresses. A section for church dresses. Even a section at the back of the closet for her dance and old Halloween costumes. It looked good when we were done. Nice and organized. I could easily look over her closet and see what she has and what she still needs.

It turns out that she doesn't have many shirts. I really thought she did. Of course we did pull out a lot of ones that didn't work anymore. (And we do have a nice little stack to pass on to her younger cousin.) It also turns out that she has more skirts and casual dresses than I thought she had. This is actually very important for us to know because she is going to middle school in about a month. There they have dress up day every Thursday. Now I know that we are ready for that. School shopping is going to be so much easier this year. No more just buying and ending up with too many of something and too few of something else.

Now if I want to go a few steps further I could do what I saw on a TV segment a year or so ago. I tried to find it but I couldn't. There was a contributor that showed how she managed her 3rd graders closet. She put together outfits that her daughter could pick from each day. That is nothing new, but she didn't stop there. She then put a tag over the hanger that said what shoes to wear with it and how to do her hair. For example, red shoes and curled hair in a pony tail. As well as what if any jewelry or hair accessories. It made mornings stress free and easy. No arguments about clothes or hair done the same every day. Her daughter looked good as she walked out the door in the morning.

Anything that makes life easier, I'm all for it. We'll see how long the closet stays organized. We'll see how long it takes before we start losing things at the back of the closet. But for now, we will enjoy being able to quickly find what we are looking for. That is always a good thing.


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