Day Trips

When I was a kid we didn't take very many "big" vacations. We did however take lots of day trips and "staycations." (A vacation close to home.) We live in a state with lots of national parks. Those were common destinations for us. We'd take a picnic lunch and spend the day outside hiking and enjoying the weather and being together.

As a parent now we have taken both kinds of vacations. Last year we hit the beach and went to Disneyland. So this year we are staying closer to home. We still want to have fun and do things though. This past weekend we went to a national park that we haven't been to in a long time. We went to Mount Timpanogos. You have to hike a trail up a mountain that is only about 1 1/2 miles, but it is uphill. Crazy uphill in most places. There was some complaining about how much harder it was than we remember. (I will admit that some of that complaining came from me.)

But your reward for doing it is getting to go inside the mountain and visit caves that are full of amazing rock formations. It really is hard to explain, but very cool to see. I took pictures but they aren't always easy to see how awesome the rock formations are, but here are some examples.

These rock formations are deep inside the mountain. Some of the pictures are on the walls and floor of the caves, but there are a lot of formations on the ceiling as well. 

There was a lot of water in the cave. Little pools, but most of it just seeps through the rocks leaving them glossy looking. But it's that water and the minerals that have made the amazing rock formations. It is unbelievable to witness. 

This was such a fun day. It was hard and I definitely felt it the next day, but we really enjoyed it and we will do this again! These are the types of vacations don't cost much and that my kids will talk about! More of these to come.....!


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