Kids Love Pizza Puffs

If you don't know what a pizza puff is then you should find out. Kids love these mini muffin sized pizza puffs. (Husbands do too.) We found this recipe a while back and made them a few times. We would then freeze them in small freezer bags. Then the kids could pull them out and pack them in their lunch box. They would stay cold because they were frozen, but they have thawed by lunch time. Fill a little container with pizza sauce and they would be set for a yummy lunch that is different then a PB&J standby.

This recipe is simple enough that my daughter can make it by herself. She decided that she wanted these for dinner. I'm always up for someone else making dinner and so I thought that it was a great idea. (Funny how kids think that we are letting them do something great when it's their idea and think it's a chore that they complain about if it's our idea.) So I stepped out of the way and let her go.

I saw them make this on a local TV show called Studio 5. They were giving lunch box ideas for kids heading back to school. There were lots of different recipes that the blogger from  made on the show. The recipes on the show are at the above link and there is a link to her blog at the bottom of that page. It is a made from scratch recipe that doesn't have a lot of ingredients. We had all of these in our cupboard and fridge. Besides the dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, salt, garlic powder) it also calls for shredded mozzarella cheese and mini pepperoni slices. We have made it with regular sized pepperoni that we've either cut into smaller pieces or else just added one to the top of each puff before baking. The key to this recipe is that once you've mixed everything together you have to let it sit for 10 minutes. This is an important step so don't skip it. The batter rises during this time. When it's time to bake them you scoop the batter evenly into a 24-cup mini muffin pan. That's how you get the little puffs!

We used a different pizza sauce then the one that there is a recipe for and we halved the amount of garlic, but other than that we don't mess with this recipe at all. It's sometimes hard to find a recipe that everyone can agree on, but this is one of those. Try it and see if you don't agree!


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