Adapting and Changing

I made a list of goals or habits that I wanted to implement/reach three weeks ago. It's going okay and I really like how it is set up to track. But as the weeks have gone by I can see that I need to reevaluate some of the habits. For instance, do you have any idea how hard it is to drink 128 oz of water everyday? Super hard! I haven't attained it once and it still has me running for the bathroom at very inopportune times throughout the day. That one is being changed to 68 oz for now and then I'll reevaluate again in a month to see if I should increase to 96 oz.

That is one of my favorite things about habits instead of goals. Habits are changing and adaptable. If something isn't working I don't feel like my goal is a lost cause. It doesn't seem like quite the failure that it could be. A habit isn't written in stone. Good habits slowly changes us for the better.

I can also see if there are things that I should add to my list. I've discovered one of those over the past few weeks. I have always loved to read. I don't spend much time doing it anymore. It's hard to find time to go to the library. And even harder to find a book that piques my interest. Lately, I've been rereading and rereading the same books over and over. Books that we own and so I've kind of slowed down on being excited about reading.  I've really been missing that quiet, alone time where I can escape to another place.

Over the past few years I've attempted to sign up to check books out online. It was only a half hearted attempt at it because I really like the feel of a book in my hands. But a couple of weeks ago I decided to try again. This time everything worked. And to my astonishment I've found I love it! I have been able to checkout a book from my local library and immediately starting to read it. When I finish a book I can then checkout another without any waiting. I am hooked!!!

It has meant that I have neglected some of my other duties but I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Now I'm able to spend time doing something for me that I really like to do. So reading is being added to my habit tracker. I don't have to read everyday, but I want the reminder that I need to spend time on things that won't just better me physically but on things that will center me spiritually. Now my only problem is finding the next book to capture my attention!


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