Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables. They are very good for you. Vitamins. Minerals. Fiber. It's recommended that you eat 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruits everyday. I know all of these facts. So why is it so hard to get the recommended number of servings a day? Maybe it's just me, but I'm not very good at it. Unfortunately, when I look for a snack it's usually a cookie or some crackers. Not an apple or some carrots. I've been trying more. Today I ate an apple with my lunch. Great so that's one serving out of the 5-9 that I should be getting. I haven't been very good at eating them so that means that I haven't been very good at serving them to my family. I love my family. I want them to be healthy. I still can't wrap my head around how hard it is for us.

Occasionally I'll grill some chicken to put on a salad or make a soup with lots of veggies or make teriyaki chicken with rice and many different vegetables. On those days I'm like "Yes!! I've got this!!" Those days give me hope, but they only happen one to two times a month if I'm lucky.

That is why I've added both fruits and vegetables to my daily habits tracker. I want to become healthier this year. Eating well is a big part of that. It will also help me with my desire to lose some weight. I haven't done great so far but I've already got fruit ready to take to work with me tomorrow. If I'm really good I'll make more than one kind of vegetable for dinner too.

Most things that are good for us are hard until we get used to them. I'm hoping that in the next few months eating the recommended servings of both will be second nature for me and no longer on my habit tracker. I really want to reach this goal!


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