Saving Money Makes Me Happy

Who doesn't like to save money?  I love it!  It is great!  One of the many things that I love about Thanksgiving time is the sales on so many things at the grocery store.  I was looking over the ads today and was so happy at the sales I found on items that I use year round.  I usually stock up on those items at this time of year to hopefully get me through until next time they go on sale.  It doesn't always work, but even if I don't have enough of somethings to get me through until the next sale.  I had more than I would have if I hadn't tried to stock up.  I get to cook Thanksgiving dinner for my husband's side of the family this year.  He only has one brother so it won't be very many people.  (Something else to be happy about.)  So as I make my shopping list for all of the Thanksgiving dinner musts, there will also be some extra things on that list.  I will save so much money and that makes me happy!


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