Quarantine Boredom Ideas

Quarantine. That is a word that I never thought I would ever have to deal with. Now it is a daily fact for so many people all over the world. Crazy! But after the initial shock is over, now what? Even if you are working, home schooling your kids or even yourself, you are going to have so much extra time on your hands.

Most of us aren't used to too much time. I mean don't get me wrong at first I was like "Nice. Life is going to slow down and give us a chance to breathe." But by day 7 I thought I was going to scream! A little extra time now and then is great but, now faced with weeks of extra time all I could think was "What am I going to do." So I started to make a list of things that I wanted to do, needed to do and could spend time doing. Here are some ideas....

Deep clean your house. I mean it is spring so now would be a great time to do your spring cleaning.

Organize your closet. Take out all the clothes and shoes that you don't wear anymore. Put them in a box to drop off at a donation center once this craziness is over.

Tackle a home improvement project that you've been putting off because there wasn't ever enough time. Well now you've got it. My daughter and I are going to be painting some of the interior doors and floorboards that are painted dark brown. We are going to paint them white to make the space look brighter. If we have time after that my daughter wants to paint her room.  If we could just agree on the color.....

Learn something new. Have you ever wanted to learn how to speak French? Do you want to learn how to make a pie? Have you always wanted to learn how to knit? Whatever it is that you've always wanted to learn you can find a website or Youtube video to teach you. Some for a small fee, but lots are free.

Create something artistic. Whatever that might mean to you. My daughter took a break from school last week and made this.

Now is the time to binge watch those shows that every one is talking about. Put on comfy clothes, get some snacks and spend time on Netflix, Disney+ or any other streaming service.

Learn to make something new. If you love to cook search up new recipes. If you're a crafter search up a new ideas.

Pinterest is your friend. Spend time with her. You will find oogles of ideas! (That's right I said "oogles")

Exercise. So many different companies and websites are offering free online classes. The My Fitness Pal and the FitOn Apps are two that I really like. The instructors at my local gym are also putting workouts on Facebook Live and Zoom.

Make a video. So many people I know are putting videos of them dancing on social media. Maybe I should pull up a video on how to dance before I join this "fun."

Get outside. Go for a walk or a run. (Use social distancing) Do some yard work. Just sit outside. If you don't have a yard, sit next to an open window and enjoy the fresh air.

Read. Read. Read. Local libraries have ebooks that you can checkout without leaving your home. Kindle books are easy to get as well. Or even reread some favorite books that you have at home.

Listen to a Podcast. Discover new ones that interest you. There are so many genres and topics to pick from.

Find new music that you love. Sing or dance along to the songs. Or learn to play new music on an instrument.

Play games. Board, video, whatever.

Skype, Facetime or call someone that you can't visit at this time. Especially if you have older relatives. Grandmas love phone calls. Quarantine does not mean isolation. You still need to connect with other people. Just do it digitally instead of in person.

Journal your feelings. Write specifically what is happening in your life. What you are doing. How you are feeling. What you are grateful for.

Make a photo book. Or calendar. Or whatever. Websites such as Shutterfly are easy to download pictures to and then organize into a book, calendar, card or whatever.

During this stressful time find things to do that help relieve your stress. Whatever you enjoy that calms and centers you. Have fun. Look at each day as an in home adventure. What will you do today. You might just find that you enjoy this quarantine time!


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