
Covid -19. I'd never heard of it before last month. I didn't know what it was. I didn't know how much it would effect my life and I don't even have the virus. So much is unknown. So much is left up in the air. It's impossible to move forward since we don't know how bad this can get or how long it will last or how far it will spread.

I am lucky though. I don't have the Coronovirus. No one I know has been exposed to it. There has only been one case in our local health department boundaries. Since I live in a relatively rural area out local health departments boundaries actually cover a couple of counties. And that one case was from someone who had traveled to an area where there were many cases.

Now I know that that is not the norm for most of the state of Utah. The areas around Salt Lake City have a stay at home that was ordered by their city mayor and the county mayor. I am very grateful that while there are restrictions that are state wide that the stay at home order is not. For example, every restaurant and bar is closed to eat in diners but are opened for take out. The schools are still closed. There original two week closure has become at least a six week closure. There is still no church. There are still no organized activities. Social distancing is a now common phrase that we live by. We can go to the store but most stores with the exception of grocery stores are closed anyways.

I went to the store last week. There weren't very many people there but, oh my I started to have anxiety. I just wanted to leave. And of course when I was in the checkout line the man who was behind me had obviously never heard of social distancing or is really bad at measuring. He was maybe 3 feet from me. I just wanted to tell him to 6 feet buddy, back off! But I am innately polite and so I just kept trying to move further from him. I almost had to reach to finish using my debit card I had sidestepped a ways from the card reader.

People pay attention! If you're sick, stay home. If you aren't sick, that's great but stay six feet away from others. That helps protect both of you. Now the CDC recommends that everyone wears a mask when they are in public. In the past I've always thought that people wearing masks were paranoid. I don't think that any longer. I will be wearing one when I venture out again. Unfortunately I don't have any masks but, the internet is jammed with people showing you how to make your own. I've seen them made with scarves, cloth napkins, and even a paper towel and rubber bands.

If you don't have a mask then make one. Protect yourself and those around you. Practice social distancing. Wash your hand. Try to not leave your home unless necessary. Luckily most people who come down with the virus will survive with no lasting effects. This pandemic will pass. Eventually things will go back to "normal." Until then stay diligent. Stay safe. And good luck to you and those you love.


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