Laundry Detergent

Laundry. It is not my favorite thing to do. It is never ending. With my family of 5 we sure always have a lot of it. I know in some families that the kids do their own laundry. At my house I hate having only small loads of each person being done. So we wash our clothes together, but I will have them wash lots of the large loads too. If they have something in particular that they need cleaned then they throw in all the rest of the clothes that color too. It works well for us.

The thing about washing lots of loads of laundry is how much laundry detergent gets used. I told you that on my "chore" list is do a load of laundry from start to finish everyday. The cost of detergent really starts to add up. For a while it seemed like I was spending a fortune on laundry soap. Pinterest had given me some good cleaning recipes so I decided to look for a laundry soap recipe that sounded easy and worked well. There are so many different recipes for the soap. Which one to pick? I didn't want to "cook" one and so that eliminated all of the liquid recipes. (Which is a little ironic because I have always used liquid laundry detergent.) The harder thing was determinating which ones would be tough on stains and work really well. I finally decided to use one by How Does She?  It was such a simple recipe. Borax, washing soda, baking soda, Oxiclean, Purex Crystals and Zote soap. The cost up front was around $40.00 (Walmart) but it made a TON! Seriously, I have been using it for months and I still have 1/2 of it left. You only need about 1-2 tablespoons of the soap per load. It doesn't sound like enough, but it really is. It washes just as well as my old detergent that I used to spend $10.00 on every 2-3 weeks. (Like I said, we always have a ton of laundry.)

I love being able to find ideas on Pinterest. Even better when I take the time to try it. The best though is when it turns out right and works great! Laundry may not be my favorite chore but it no longer is an expensive chore. That makes me happy!


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