
I used to be a really big scrapbooker a few years ago. It seemed like everyone scrapbooked for a while. There were entire store devoted to only scrapbooking supplies, magazines with ideas and even convention type expos where you could come to shop, take classes and scrapbook all day and night. Now a days you don't hear much about it. But I would guess that those of us who did it still have a huge stash of supplies. I know that I still have more stuff than I could probably ever use.

My daughter wants to scrapbook. I told you that we have tons of pictures at our house already printed off. She wants to use the pictures of her, her pets and her activities to make a book about her. I think that it is a great idea. It uses up pictures but it also means that her pages will be about what she finds important in her life right now. We will get a book from her perspective. That will give us all a glimpse at who she really is.

So we pulled out a lot of my supplies and she excitedly went to work. She wanted me to do it with her. I made my first paper page in a very long time. It was fun to do it with her. We asked each other opinions on paper and pictures. She is such a creative girl. This really is up her alley. I might need to continue to do it with her. It gave me something creative that I could do in a short amount of time. Plus it will get all of those pictures out of boxes and out where people can look at them and enjoy them.


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