Reading a Book Makes Me Happy

For as long as I can remember, I've loved to read.  I remember sitting in a comfy chair in my room reading while my siblings were watching Saturday morning cartoons.  I remember staying up way past my bedtime to read a book that has sucked me in.  I still do that one.  In fact the other night I stayed up way later than I should have to read a book that I got from the library.  It wasn't a great piece of literature, but it was a fun, light read that I enjoyed. 
Loving to read is something that I want to pass on to my kids.  I want them to find joy in spending a quiet afternoon with a book just like I did.  Our oldest daughter has found that joy.  Almost to the extreme though.  She would sit in her room reading all day long, rarely coming out.  One day my husband went in her room and told her to put the book down and come watch TV with us.  We all laughed at that.  She eventually learned more balance and continues to enjoy reading.  My younger kids haven't quite got there yet.  They enjoy it when they do it, but they don't have that hunger to read that keeps you up late.  Maybe they just haven't found the right book yet.  With so many books to read, I still have high hopes.  Reading makes me happy and I hope that the day comes that reading makes them happy too.  Then I will have something else to be happy about!


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