Helpful Kids Make Me Happy

Since it's summertime and all schedules are mostly out the door, I decided that my kids have lots of free time and it's okay for me to take some of it.  Year round my kids have chores that they do when my husband or I ask them to.  But like I said they have a lot of free time now so I am taking advantage of it.  I hate that they only do things when I ask them to.  I would love for them to see something that needs to be done and then do it.  They are kids so that won't happen.  So they each have a standing "chore chart" this year.  Their lists are mostly the same with just a few changes.  Both of them have to make their beds, clean their rooms, and read.  (I know that reading isn't a chore, but it's how I make sure they do it before they get busy with their friends or other activities.)  Then they each have other things to do icluding picking something off of the daily chore chart.  I have a list of chores that need to be done each week.  Each day of the week there are a few of those chores listed.  They have to choose one and do it.  All of their chores have to be done before they can go with friends or do our fun daily activities. 
This has made my life so much easier.  They get things done and I don't feel like I'm nagging.  My house looks better when everyone helps because it isn't just me or my husband trying to do everything.  Plus working before playing helps my kids learn a good work ethic.  Now that is NEVER a bad thing.  My kids are working, learning and still have lots of free time to have fun.  Now that makes me happy. 


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