Familly Get Togethers Make Me Happy

Family get togethers are great!  They are great fun!  There are great times!  And unfortunately a great amount of work!  We had a very busy weekend.  Our daughter is leaving on a mission in a few days and so we had a lot of family in town for her farewell talk in sacrament meeting on Sunday.  My husband and I actually like hosting parties so we came up with the great idea to host two.  A barbeque on Saturday for any family who was in town.  And a brunch on Sunday for all family and friends after church.  (We have 9:00 am church.)   Saturday was a busy day making sure that we had everything that we needed for Sunday.  So we were late getting the chicken in the marinade which meant we were late getting it cooked.  Not too much later but about 30 minutes late.  No one seemed to care but between all of my and my husbands siblings, kids and our parents, we had a lot of people around.  Luckily we were eating outside so most people sat out there to visit.  The only problem with that was that my family was outside and his family stayed inside.  They know each other but there wasn't much mingling.  Oh well.  The food was great and we really did have a good time.  But after it was over, we still had a lot to do for Sunday.  It turned out to be a really late night. 
Sunday was a great day though.  Our daughter did a great job on her talk and we were surprised by some of the people who traveled to be there for her.  The brunch after turned out really good too.  Lots of good food and company.  The only downside was that we didn't have quite as many people as we were expecting and the people there didn't eat as much as we planned.  So I have a LOT of leftover food.  I'm not sure what I am going to do with 6 dozen eggs in the next 2 weeks.  You can only eat so many eggs:) 
The weekend was exhausting but really great!  Once all of our company left I sat down and took a nap.  Those make me happy too!


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