School's in Session!

Yesterday I took my oldest daughter to school. She isn't going far and I appreciate that. She is going to a university that is about an hour and a half from our home. She's had her schedule lined up for a while now and her housing worked out too. She is going to be a junior this year so she knows what she's doing, however this is her first year at this school. So I went with her. We packed up our car with the things that she would need and headed out of town. She had originally thought that she would be attending a different school in the fall. Then in May she changed her mind. The school that she's going to offered her a half tuition scholarship and it's known for its education program. She wants to teach elementary school. So it was the perfect fit. But she knows no one there. She luckily found an apartment to rent but doesn't know anything about any of her roommates. Yesterday we found the apartment that luckily was a nice place. (Since she never went to see it. Just saw the pictures online and sent her money.) We'd planned on going down and seeing it during the summer but summer got away from us without going. Of course she was working full time trying to save money for school. So she really was going down not knowing what to expect. We met her landlady who took us to the apartment and gave her her keys. Only one roommate was there. It was my daughter's actual room roommate. She's a freshman this year. My daughter's really good with people so I think that they'll get along. She wasn't able to meet any of the others yet though. I think that it will be okay, but I still worry.

Roommates are the one equation in school that is basically a wild card. She's gone to school before where she just knew one of the girls in the apartment. She had the best year ever that year! The next year she roomed with some girls that she'd become friends with the year before. That didn't turn out so well. One of the girls was mad at my daughter for not going home with her one weekend. Funny how a friend can become an enemy. Enemy is a strong word, but this girl held a grudge. For the entire year. My daughter had other friends in the apartment, but this girl made it not a great year. So this year I do worry about her roommates. My daughter is pretty easy going and is friendly. Girls we have learned the hard way, are not always nice to each other. They can be petty and vindictive and hurtful. A simple misunderstanding can blow up into a huge problem. She learned that her sophomore year. I know that she'll still get involved and enjoy herself but it's no fun when your home life is miserable. And that is something that neither of us can control. Either her roommates will be kind, friendly people or they won't. I just hope that even if they aren't great roommates that they still won't be bad ones. I wish that I could just assume that they will all be wonderful. Instead I'm worrying about and finding myself assuming that they will be difficult. That's not normally where I go. I'm usually a very optimistic person who believes that everything will work out. I now just need to trust my optimistic side and embrace the hope that everything will be all right. Not always easy, but is usually best.


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