School Is Just Around the Corner

We officially have one week of summer left. Next Thursday will be our first day of school! How has summer come and gone so fast? Our school is starting early this year than it ever has before. Supposedly its because we are getting longer breaks during the school year. Not sure how I feel about that....

Today I spent time filling out all of the paper work and reviewing schedules for my kids. One good thing is that our school district has gone to online forms. That means I fill the form out once and it covers all of my kids. And technically I didn't even have to fill out our Family Data form. I just had to update anything that needed to be changed. It was a much quicker process than most years. I hope this means that the only things that I have to sign on the first day of school is syllabus notes from teachers.

I am happy to be getting back to a normal schedule. But after a summer of staying up late and sleeping in, it's going to be a bit of a rude awakening! That's why starting today we are going to bed earlier and getting up MUCH earlier! That way we hopefully won't be exhausted those first few days of school. We will require an adjustment though. We will have to get use to spending our daytime hours away from home. We have to get use to doing homework and using our time wisely. We have to get use to practices going until dinner time. We have to get use to the new time for dance lessons and try to remember to have her there. (I am really good at forgetting about these! In fact her teacher contacted me once to see if she was still interested in dance or not. I had to let her know that it was me - not my daughter. That was a little embarrassing and expensive. You pay whether you show up or not.)

I think the reason why school starting again is such a big deal is because of everything else that goes with it. It seems like most organized activities take a break during the summer, but then when school starts we start back up with them again too. So it isn't just school, it's all the extra curricular activities. Sometimes I think that we over schedule our kids, so I try to only have 1 or 2 extra activities for my daughter. But my son schedules himself to the max. I was really happy when he dropped an activity this week that would have interfered with some of his classes.

My goal for this year is that we have a good year. That we do our best in our classes and that we learn and grow and mature. Time will only tell but I'm hoping that we will be off with a great start. Seven days and counting down....


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