
Clutter. It really should be a four letter word. It can take a house that really is clean and make it look a mess. Clutter really is a dirty word! When there is clutter laying around it looks like you never clean your house. It makes it look like you're a slob. It does not show you in a good light. So why is it that I always have clutter laying around? Why is it that I can't seem to get rid of it?

There are a few answers to those questions. First an actual legitimate answer is that we moved a few months ago and I still have boxes that need to be unpacked. Then I realize that I moved 8 months ago. Can that be right?! In 8 months I should have taken time to finish unpacking. Another answer is that I have a hard time throwing things away. The real answer though is probably that I have more stuff than places to put it. I have a quote that rattles around in my brain quite often - especially if I'm cleaning.

 "Do not keep anything that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful." 

This helps me as I try to make decisions. I am slowly trying to let go. Let go of possessions and enjoy living in my space with less. A clean room is so much more relaxing than one that is full of piles of stuff. I know this and yet I still have too much clutter. I would love to say that all of this clutter will be gone in the next few days, but that is completely unrealistic. All over Pinterest you can find ways to declutter or declutter schedules. I have tried some of those before and some of them have actually helped me in some areas. But some of them are very time consuming and not very realistic in their time tables. I can't go through all of my kitchen cabinets and drawers and get rid of everything that I have doubles of or that I don't use. That takes time. I have a job, a husband and children. I am not going to be able to go through everything. I might be able to do a drawer or cabinet at a time, but I can't do it everyday. 

I am able to say that I will continue to work on the clutter in my home. I will find a place for it. Or I will donate it. Or if it is something I want to keep but can't find a place for I will put it in storage for the time being. I can make my home a more welcoming, clean looking place. A place where we can feel peaceful and happy. That is what I want for me and my family. I love enjoying the life that we have together. And in a clean house we'll spend more relaxing family time together!


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