Happy things Make Me Smile

I am an optimist and generally smile and laugh often.  Not everything that happens makes me do my happy dance.  Sometimes things just make me smile - A LOT!!  Today one of those things happened.  My son is going into high school this coming school year.  He's a little nervous and excited.  Today his school packet came.  Along with the paperwork was his school schedule.  We finalized his list of classes last spring and thought we had it worked out.  Well apparently they weren't able to accomodate all of the classes he picked, because on his schedule was a class that he didn't choose.  My son was placed in an interior design class.  Now that would be fine if he was interested in it, but I had to explain what it was.  Let's just say that he wasn't impressed at all when I told him that it is basically making the inside of your house pretty.  That made me smile.  So I guess that we need to meet with a counselor before school starts and see what we can do.  Worst case senerio?  He will learn how to decorate a home.  Then that smile will become a laugh and will probably include a happy dance:) 


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