Getting a Good Deal Makes Me Happy

I don't know anyone who doesn't like getting a good deal on something they have to buy anyway.  I love a good deal.  It makes me do my happy dance:)   If your kids are like mine, back to school means all new clothes because they keep getting taller.  So those pants from last year are just not going to do.  I really do like a good bargain, however I don't always have time to find them.  The other day I opened my email and there was yet another "sale" notice.  I looked closer though and WOW!  It was a SALE!  Children's Place had all of their clothes on sale - even their new items.  And I don't mean a few dollars off.  It was 50% off of their clothes and 60% off of their denim jeans.  Yeah!  So with my daughter by my side, we started school shopping.  She was excited that everything she picked out I said yes to.  It's hard not to when you are saving so much money.  Seriously some of their shirts were less than $4.00 because even clearance was 50% off!  Off course when it was time to check out I took a minute to look for a coupon code.  I found one.  Regular price on their jeans is about $20.00.  They were on sale for 7.50 and when I added the code it made them $6.24!  For jeans!!  Luckily we buy things from Children's Place enough that I was pretty confident on the sizes I got.  However, they have an awesome return policy.  If something doesn't fit I can just stop by one of their stores and trade it for one that does.  When all was said and done, we got 4 pair of jeans, a skirt, pajama pants, and 4 shirts.  They had free shipping.  After they added the tax it came to $61.92!  (It was $58.44 before tax.)  Of course, I had to spread the good news and texted my sister-in-laws to tell them about the sale and give them the coupon code.  One of them got 13 items for about $55.00. 
Getting such a great deal makes me HAPPY!! 


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