Halloween Decor Makes Me Happy

I have a lot of decorations for different holidays throughout the year.  I have so much stuff for Halloween!  I have boxes and boxes.  As I open each box I find more forgotten treasures.  I find so many things that I love and that make me smile.  Each year I obtain more decorations that I can't wait to place somewhere in my home or on my porch.  I love my decorations.  Of course some are outdated and some aren't in good condition any more.  I do phase those items out and replace them with new finds.  I do still have Halloween crafts that my older kids decorated and some of my favorite items that I have had for almost 20 years.  This years finds are some green lights and then  something else that I am sooo excited about.  A skeleton!  I have been trying to find a full sized skeleton for a while now.  I found one this year at costco.com.  I can't wait to put him on the bench in my front yard with pumpkins around him.  It is going to be great and that makes me happy!


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