Making New Years Resolutions Makes Me Happy

I think it's because I'm a list kind of girl.  I love lists - making them, checking things off, etc.  So I
guess making resolutions or goals at New Years is my idea of fun.  Now in the past I've made huge lists of things that I wanted to accomplish in the coming year.  Obviously, those lists never got completed.  Too much to try to do.  One of the hardest things is to remember your goals and if you have a huge list that becomes too hard.  So I've evolved I guess because my resolution lists aren't that long any more.  This year I have about 5 of them.  Still a sizeable list, but so much better than my lists with more than 30 things to do. 
This year my main goal, like so many other people, is to get fit.  I believe a goal needs to be specific.  You need to be able to measure it.  So I'm not just wanting to eat better, I have an actual number of pounds that I want to lose. Now I'm sure you are all nice, wonderful people, but I will not share the actual number.  But just so you know I do have one. 
As for my goal of eating better, I will make sure that we have more fresh fruits and vegetables in the house.  That is a goal that is hard to measure though, so I will also say that I will try one new healthy recipe each month.  Between my cookbooks and pinterest that shouldn't be a problem.  (Of course I might need to pick up another cookbook because most of mine are of the dessert type.  Can you say "Chocolate Never Faileth."  That is seriously the name of one of my cookbooks.)
One of my other resolutions is to take a vacation this year.  My family is great at doing day or weekend trips, but I kind of want to do something a little better this year.  My husband and I will have to decide what kind of time and budget we have and then come up with some ideas.  We will then involve the kids in the final decision process. 
I have a couple of more goals.  I'm really excited!  I love the new year and the idea of resolutions.  They really do make me happy!


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