Time Management

Time management and I are not friends. Everything I should do, want to do and need to do seem to lose out many times to whatever is easiest and takes the least amount of effort. I know this about me. It's something I'm aware of. But in the middle of the chaos that is sometimes life, I just don't care enough to do something about it. Sigh....

Everyday I begin by thinking about how much I'm going to get done - what I'm going to accomplish that day. I don't think bigger than I can reasonably do. It's just by the time I get home from work many times I just sit down just for a minute on my phone. Next thing I know much, much, much more time has past than a "few" minutes. The funny thing is I'm not really a fan of social media. That's not to say I don't look at it. But it's usually playing games or searching through all the ideas on Pinterest. So many great ideas. But I'm not going to tell you how many pins I have. Actually, I'm not even going to tell you how many boards I have! Needless to say, it represents a substantial amount of time.

I've spent time on it today. Then I told myself to focus. Write something on this blog. Do some laundry. Make cookies. All good things that I need, want or should do. Things that make me feel like I've accomplished something. That's a better feeling than randomly following people on Instagram. I want to live a intentional life. I don't want my days to blend together. A kaleidoscope of time wasted - especially on my phone.

So this week I'm going to go on a social media and game "fast." I was introduced to this concept a few years ago and a light bulb went off for me. It's genius! Anything that you feel is a time or focus drain in your life you take a break from. For me it's games on my phone and social media. The first time a took this challenge I took a break from games on my phone for 30 days. I was shocked at how much more I got done. The quality time I spent with my family. When the 30 days was over I found that I didn't care nearly as much about what I'd given up. But time goes on and if we aren't careful we can fall back into those time wasting habits. So occasionally I do it again. I think it's time now.

Try it and see if you don't find yourself with more time. Time to do something you never have time for. Time to try something new. Time to focus on the people you care about. Or if you're like me, time to clean your house. Not exciting but it a clean house makes me calm. Sigh...


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