New Year's Eve

Wow! Another year has come to a close. I must admit that I must be old because time is just flying by! It doesn't seem possible that we are welcoming in 2020 at midnight!

I hope I haven't wasted 2019. I hope that wasn't just a series of same old, same old, everyday. I know that I did things or had things happen that make this year memorable, but what about my each and every normal day. I did try to notice the simple things more often. I did try to be more present in moments. I did try to be more active. But there were still days that I spent way to much time on my phone. Days that I was just along for the boring ride. Days that I completely wasted. Days that I just sat around and watched TV all day instead of interacting with others. Unfortunately, I think that we all have days like that.

I don't want that. I don't think anyone does. But what do we do about it? If we want things to be different we have to change. Change our mindset. Change what we do. Change how we interact with our day. We have to make a conscience choice. Remember if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Wordy quote I know but it is one that every time I hear it, I'm reminded to do better. I want my life to make a difference. I want to be remembered as a genuinely good person. I want my kids to remember me as a present mom that happily engages with them. I want my husband to know what he means to me by how I treat and pay attention to him. I want so many things out of my life. I could write volumes on what I want and need to do.

The hard part is the actual work. The being present at home after a long, tiring day at work. When all I want to do is sit down and zone out watching TV all night. I want to be a good role model for my kids. I want them to see me not only embrace life, but enjoy life too. We need to enjoy the journey not just the destination. This year among other resolutions I'm resolving to be an active participant in my own life. I want each day to be it's own adventure. Not that every day will be exciting but I can make it memorable by what I choose to do with it. I love life and being more present in my everyday will make such a difference.

Bring it on 2020! I'm so excited to meet you!!


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