
Showing posts from August, 2015

Going Back to School Makes Me Happy

Going back to school makes me happy.  I'm not saying that I'm glad to get my kids out of my house.  I actually work at an elementary school.  I have loved going back and seeing all of "my" kids and co-workers.  I love my job.  I am happy to be back.  And I have to admit a little bit happy that my kids are back in school all day. 

Blue Skies Make Me Happy

I love looking outside and seeing a blue sky.  It doesn't matter if there are some fluffy, white clouds or not.  I don't care if it is warm outside or cold.  It just makes me happy to see that blue.  This summer we had a lot more rain than usual.  Not much sun on those days.  Then we have had a lot of smoke in our air from the wildfires in California and Washington.  We seriously had ash fall here one day and we are states away from those areas.  Today though, I woke up to a beautiful, clear blue sky.  Yeah!  Today is our last day of summer vacation and it is great to see that wonderful sky.  And that makes me happy.

Netflix Makes Me Happy

So this summer I canceled our cable.  Now we get just free TV stations.  You would have thought that I had ruined summer when you saw my kids reactions.  They thought that it was the worst thing ever.  The thing is they hadn't been watching much on cable TV.  They usually watched Netflix or were on the Xbox.  It didn't matter.  We told them that we would try it this summer and maybe during the cold months we would get cable again.  That sort of calmed down the storm.  Here's the thing - now everyone in our house (including my husband) is watching a lot more Netflix.  People have picked TV series to watch.  We are catching up on movies that we forgot we wanted to see until they show up on Netflix.  It has been great.  Every now and then one of the kids will ask when we are going to get cable again.  When I say that we will see, they accept it and go and watch some more Netflix.  Netflix you are a genius and a lifesaver.  And that makes me happy!

A Few More Days of Summer Makes Me Happy

I don't know why but it seems like school starts earlier every year.  Last year we started before August 20th.  Around Utah lots of kids went back to school today, including my cute nieces and nephew.  But not us.  This year we have a few more lazy days of summer.  We don't start school until the 25th this year and all of us are happy about it.  It is great!  Of course we are trying to get back on a school day schedule with earlier bed times and rising times.  We still have time for fun.  Today my daughter and I made a tent in our yard using rope, clothes pins, sheets, blankets and pillows.  We were in it for almost 2 hours reading a book together and talking.  So much fun and wouldn't have happened if we had started school today.  Here's to making the most of our extra last week of summer!  Having time makes me happy.

Content Kids Make Me Happy

I love it when my kids are content and happy.  When they are just filling their time with things they love to do.  Things that are important to them.  Things that matter at their young ages.  My baby is getting big she is now 9 years old.  I often find her sitting happily in her room playing with dolls and stuffed animals.  She can spend hours doing that some days.  Other days she will run and play outside or with friends or cousins.  She finds joy in simple everyday things.  My son is a little older so he spends his days "hanging out" at someone's house or riding bikes, shooting hoops or more.  But there are times - usually daily - that he will come home or send his friends away.  He will then do something quiet here at home.  Something that gives him down time.  Both of my younger kids can be content with themselves.  I love it and appreciate that quality.  They are happy with who they are and the life they have.  And that makes me immensely happy!

Color Makes Me Happy

I hear that there are some people who are scared of color.  I don't understand that.  I love color.  I only own 1 pair of black pants and a skirt and a couple of white t-shirts.  I have a few more neutral colored items but most of my clothes are colorful.  Reds, purples, greens, blues and so many more.  The color I have been drawn to lately is a light turquoise.  Everything I see in that color lately I want to buy.  I think that I really need a purse in that color.  I want to paint a wall that color (with big white polka dots of course.)  I'm seriously in love with that color.  It has mostly replaced my love of the color coral.  You would know that if  you looked in my closet.  I have shirts, cardigans, skirts and shoes in that color.  Now I need all of those things in light turquoise.  Now that would make me happy enough to dance!

Crayola Crayons Make Me Happy

Okay that is a weird thing to say.  I know that.  This time of year reminds me that I really do like them.  Back to school time is the best time to buy any type of school supplies.  We all know that.  The one thing that I buy lots of every time is Crayola Crayons.  I have boxes of them stashed away.  I have a daughter who loves art so we really do use them.  I just seem to buy alot more than we use.  Just the other day I bought some more when I know that I still have boxes from years past hidden away for the rainy day when crayons will be essential.  You know what I'm talking about right?  So I know that everytime I walk by that back to school aisle I will probably be adding yellow and green boxes of crayons to my cart.  Like I said, it's weird, but it makes me smile everytime!