
Showing posts from January, 2020

Adapting and Changing

I made a list of goals or habits that I wanted to implement/reach three weeks ago. It's going okay and I really like how it is set up to track. But as the weeks have gone by I can see that I need to reevaluate some of the habits. For instance, do you have any idea how hard it is to drink 128 oz of water everyday? Super hard! I haven't attained it once and it still has me running for the bathroom at very inopportune times throughout the day. That one is being changed to 68 oz for now and then I'll reevaluate again in a month to see if I should increase to 96 oz. That is one of my favorite things about habits instead of goals. Habits are changing and adaptable. If something isn't working I don't feel like my goal is a lost cause. It doesn't seem like quite the failure that it could be. A habit isn't written in stone. Good habits slowly changes us for the better. I can also see if there are things that I should add to my list. I've discovered one of tho

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables. They are very good for you. Vitamins. Minerals. Fiber. It's recommended that you eat 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruits everyday. I know all of these facts. So why is it so hard to get the recommended number of servings a day? Maybe it's just me, but I'm not very good at it. Unfortunately, when I look for a snack it's usually a cookie or some crackers. Not an apple or some carrots. I've been trying more. Today I ate an apple with my lunch. Great so that's one serving out of the 5-9 that I should be getting. I haven't been very good at eating them so that means that I haven't been very good at serving them to my family. I love my family. I want them to be healthy. I still can't wrap my head around how hard it is for us. Occasionally I'll grill some chicken to put on a salad or make a soup with lots of veggies or make teriyaki chicken with rice and many different vegetables. On those days I'm like &qu

Daily Cleaning Zones

In my last post I mentioned that I have daily cleaning zones. Areas of my home that I clean on designated days. For instance, on Mondays I clean the kitchen. I have things that I do there each week - dishes, sweep the floor, counters, wipe down the outside of the fridge. Those are the basic tasks. But there are weekly tasks as well. The first and third Mondays of the month I also mop the floor and clean the kitchen sink and counters and. Monthly I also clean out the fridge - take everything out and wash the shelves with soapy water. This system has worked well for me. I've had the daily days lined up for years. I know where I should be spending my time cleaning each day, I just haven't been good at doing it lately. Part of the reason why is that it doesn't always look like it needs it. But just because something doesn't look dirty doesn't mean that it isn't. That's why I've rededicated myself to strictly following it this year.  I want my home to alw

New Habits, Not Resolutions

This year I am working on gaining new habits not resolutions. I guess technically they aren't very different from each other, but they sound different. Basically everyone who makes resolutions has one of a handful of things they want for the new year in common. They want to lose weight, get a good job, eat healthy, etc. And basically everyone has given up by February. To me a resolution is like a wish. It isn't supposed to be that way, but it sort of is. People don't make a plan to make those resolutions work. Changing what we always do isn't easy. This year instead of making the same old resolutions as I do every year, I'm going about it differently. I'm working on changing my habits. I made a list of habits that I want to have or habits that would be good for me. I have some that are unoriginal and others that will make our home run more smoothly. Here are mine: Exercise - hopefully at least 30 minutes 4+ times a week Drink more water - my goal is 128 oz