Life Gets Hectic

I learned a long time ago that even good, happy events can come with a lot of stress. Tons of it sometimes! The past few months at our house there have been some really good, really stressful events. We bought a new home and moved 2 1/2 weeks before Christmas. Boxing up a house, buying presents, decorating and so much more made Christmas that much more stressful. Then the unpacking. I decided that unless there was a reason for keeping something, we weren't keeping it. Also if there was something worth keeping then it needed to find a home. No clutter. No mess. That meant that every box I unpacked took that much longer as I decided what I really needed or wanted to keep and what I was going to donate. Then once that was mostly done, we took everything out of our storage unit, filled our garage with boxes and started the entire process again! I still have a few boxes and pieces of furniture in the garage that I'm deciding what to do with. I am happy to say that with the exception of one room in our house everything is unpacked and has a home. The one room left is sort of a little bit of storage under the steps, big toys like the dollhouse or kitchen and all of our craft/scrapbook items. It's sort of an everything room that will eventually be awesome. If I can make the idea in my head a reality that is. That is one of my projects this summer - to make that room functional and fun. I can't wait until that room is done and ready. That will make my daughter and me very happy!!


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