Phone Wallpaper

I love phone wallpaper. The picture that comes up on your phone's lock screen and background on your home screens. I change my quite regularly. And while I love pictures and literally have more than a thousand pictures on my phone, I don't use those for my wallpaper. I could, I just don't. Instead I Google wallpaper. Not just any wallpaper either. Summer wallpaper. Winter wallpaper. Valentines wallpaper. Halloween wallpaper. You get the idea. I change my wallpaper for every season and holiday. When you Google summer wallpaper it brings up hundreds of pictures. You find the picture that you like, save it and then go to settings and pick that picture for your wallpaper. Easy! The hardest part for me is choosing which picture to use. I have a certain style that I can't even really explain. I know what I like. Sometimes it's a crafty looking wallpaper. Sometimes it has a quote. Sometimes it's scenery that I like. Like I said, it's hard to explain my style. But I know it when I see it. Right now I have a Happy Thanksgiving print for my wallpaper. (I told you that I don't skip Thanksgiving.)

It's just simple, but I like it. It makes me happy every time I look at my phone. It reminds me to be grateful for what I have. That's what wallpaper is to me. It is a reminder of the season or the holiday. It helps me to live more in the moment. Of course it is really fun and cute too, but overall it helps me keep the spirit of whatever season or holiday time it is. I will continue to change my phone wallpaper because it makes me happy. 


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