
Showing posts from October, 2015

Volunteering Makes Me Happy

I have always enjoyed volunteering for different activities throughout my life.  I believe that we are all here to help each other out.  Whether it is volunteering my time helping a friend or fulfilling a church assignment or calling.  When people ask me for a favor, I usually will help them out if I am able to.  I used to like being a mom helper at school when my kids were younger.  Unfortunately, now that I work I am not able to be a mom helper to go to the classroom each week or even to help with holiday parties.  I work at an elementary school as an instructional aide.  I have a kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade class that I work with each day.  Except on Fridays.  On Fridays I don't go to my kindergarten class to help and I get off early since it is an early out day for the kids.  Today though after I finished with my classes and clocked out, I went back to my kindergarten class.  They have a huge project that they are trying to finish before Tuesday, but only a few kids c

Fall Break Makes Me Happy

I love fall break for many reasons.  I have to admit though that I really like that I get a few days off.  I work in the education system and while I love my job sometimes I need a little breather.  I think that anyone who thinks that it is easy working with kids all day should have to try it.  I promise that they would change their minds and be grateful for the work others do.  It is not always easy.  So I have been looking forward to a few days off.  We aren't going anywhere or doing anything spectacular, but it will give me sometime to get things done.  Things that I have wanted to get done but just haven't had a lot of extra time - or energy.  So here's to 5 days in a row off.  Now that makes me very happy!

Halloween Decor Makes Me Happy

I have a lot of decorations for different holidays throughout the year.  I have so much stuff for Halloween!  I have boxes and boxes.  As I open each box I find more forgotten treasures.  I find so many things that I love and that make me smile.  Each year I obtain more decorations that I can't wait to place somewhere in my home or on my porch.  I love my decorations.  Of course some are outdated and some aren't in good condition any more.  I do phase those items out and replace them with new finds.  I do still have Halloween crafts that my older kids decorated and some of my favorite items that I have had for almost 20 years.  This years finds are some green lights and then  something else that I am sooo excited about.  A skeleton!  I have been trying to find a full sized skeleton for a while now.  I found one this year at  I can't wait to put him on the bench in my front yard with pumpkins around him.  It is going to be great and that makes me happy!

Halloween Time Makes Me Happy

I have to admit that I love Halloween time!  I love everything about it.  (Not gross or gory things though.)  I love to decorate my house and porch.  I love to decide on and make costumes for my kiddos.  I love the picture opportunities - pumpkin patch, costume parade at school, kids in their costumes, parties, activities, treats, trick or treating.  Yes I know that I added treats to my picture list.  I usually have my kids dump out their trick or treating candy on the floor and there is usually a picture or two of that pile.  But at Halloween there are so many fun treats and foods to make.  Decorated sugar cookies.  Eyeball, owl, etc cupcakes.  Worm jello.  There are literally millions of fun recipes for Halloween treats - and that is not even including all of the pumpkin recipes.  What a fun holiday!  Now to make sure that we do something fun everyday.  Now that makes me happy!!