
Showing posts from February, 2020



Time Management

Time management and I are not friends. Everything I should do, want to do and need to do seem to lose out many times to whatever is easiest and takes the least amount of effort. I know this about me. It's something I'm aware of. But in the middle of the chaos that is sometimes life, I just don't care enough to do something about it. Sigh.... Everyday I begin by thinking about how much I'm going to get done - what I'm going to accomplish that day. I don't think bigger than I can reasonably do. It's just by the time I get home from work many times I just sit down just for a minute on my phone. Next thing I know much, much, much more time has past than a "few" minutes. The funny thing is I'm not really a fan of social media. That's not to say I don't look at it. But it's usually playing games or searching through all the ideas on Pinterest. So many great ideas. But I'm not going to tell you how many pins I have. Actually, I'm


I am one of those people who love quotes. I love happy quotes, meaningful quotes, get-your-life-together quotes. Any quotes that "speaks" to me, my heart, my situation. I write some of them down in my planner. I've even posted a couple on my kitchen bulletin board. I also have an entire Pinterest board dedicated to them.  They remind me to work harder, to try harder, to be happy, to love life. In case you can't tell I prefer uplifting quotes. Here are a few that will hopefully brighten your Sunday. This last quote sums up what quotes do for me. They force me to intentionally focus on an area in my life. Good habits help us in our lives - I have an entire post on habits. Habits are not bad but they can become automatic to the point that we are barely participating in our lives. That is not what life is supposed to be. Quotes remind me to pay attention and I love that make me intentionally participate in my life. And what a life it is!