
Showing posts from 2019

New Year's Eve

Wow! Another year has come to a close. I must admit that I must be old because time is just flying by! It doesn't seem possible that we are welcoming in 2020 at midnight! I hope I haven't wasted 2019. I hope that wasn't just a series of same old, same old, everyday. I know that I did things or had things happen that make this year memorable, but what about my each and every normal day. I did try to notice the simple things more often. I did try to be more present in moments. I did try to be more active. But there were still days that I spent way to much time on my phone. Days that I was just along for the boring ride. Days that I completely wasted. Days that I just sat around and watched TV all day instead of interacting with others. Unfortunately, I think that we all have days like that. I don't want that. I don't think anyone does. But what do we do about it? If we want things to be different we have to change. Change our mindset. Change what we do. Change how


I have been thinking a lot about "RISK" over the past year. Last January I saw a local television show where they were talking about how lots of people choose a word for the year. It is their focus. A few years ago there was a lot going on in our family - lots of changes. That year I had a word for the year. It was faith. Faith that everything was going to work out and be okay. It was the perfect word for me that year. That is the only time that I have ever done that. But back to last January they were talking about instead of having a word of the year to pick one for each week or month. That way you could push extra hard incorporating that idea into shorter periods. Also you would be able to use more than one word a year as well. They were throwing out ideas of words to use. I was only half listening until they said the word "Risk." For some reason that word hit me hard. Actually I know why the word hit me hard. I like my comfort zone. I am happy in my comfort zo

I Didn't Forget...

It's been a VERY long time since I last published a post. Too long actually. I haven't forgotten about this blog or my intentions with it. I have actually thought about it a lot. Often I will think of something and think that would be such a good blog post. Unfortunately I am an awesome procrastinator. Not always a bad trait, but in this instance it wasn't my friend. I did have a reason for stepping back for a moment. I have not been able to make this blog exactly what I wanted as far as the set up of this page. I couldn't get some things to work that I really wanted to have available to anyone who wanted to connect with this blog. I was hoping that I would be able to figure some things out or get some answers to help me do what I wanted to do. Unfortunately, I still haven't made things what I wanted. I haven't found the answers that were needed. But I have decided that I can't just wait for the blog fairy to magically fix everything before I continue. I a