
Showing posts from April, 2016

Ice Cream Makes Me Happy

I really like ice cream.  It doesn't matter if it is the dead of winter, I will still eat ice cream.  There are so many yummy kinds.  Mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, tin roof sundae, moose track, cookie dough, raspberry cheesecake oh and so many more!  At my house I'm not the only ice cream fan.  In fact we don't buy the regular size packages of ice cream, we buy the gallon sized buckets of ice cream.  And of course our fridge always has chocolate or caramel sauce or my hot fudge sauce.  Yum...Just writing this is making me want ice cream.  Luckily we always have some in the freezer.  I might just have to get some now and that makes me happy!

Kids and Holidays Make Me Happy!

I love holidays!  I love all of the traditions and anticipation of these events.  However, I have never been a big fan of April Fools Day.  I don't know why, it just doesn't really appeal to me.  I've never been the "fun" mom who does silly stuff for her kids on April 1st.  Since I never do anything for it my kids barely notice the day.  In fact if they didn't go to school on April Fools Day they probably wouldn't even realize it was a "holiday."  But I work at a school with little kids.  So I knew that some of them would really have fun today. First thing a little boy came up to me and told me that he brought me some brownies today.  I was immediately suspicious because he had a huge grin on his face.  Not a happy grin, a mischievous one.  I took the foil wrapped paper plate from him and opened it.  It was a plate full of brown paper E's.  I had to admit that that was clever and laughed.  Then I had the constant - you have something on your