
Showing posts from February, 2016

Peace and Quiet Makes Me Happy

I love my family.  I love my husband and my kids.  Sometimes though our home gets very loud and noisy. It doesn't usually bother me unless that noise comes from kids who are not getting a long.  Or who are complaining or whining.  I sometimes just need a moment or two of peace and quiet.  One day a week I get home before everyone else.  I have a solid hour or so with no one home but me.  I have to admit that I look forward to that time.  Just a few minutes of no one needing me to do something.  Or me to intervene or anything else.  I know that someday I will miss the noise.  I know that and so sometimes I feel guilty that I want a minute alone.  But for now I really do look forward to that one hour on Fridays.  Luckily I still have noise left.  So until then I will cherish my moments of peace and quiet and that will make me happy.

Reunions Make Me Happy

Reunions really do make me happy.  I don't mean the big, huge family get-togethers with extended family.  Of course those really do make me happy too.  I'm talking about reunions with people that we haven't seen in a while.  In two days I get to have the best kind of reunion.  My son has been on a mission for two years in Uganda.  I have only spoke to him four times during that time.  I got weekly emails but that is all.  Those emails have been my lifeline to him and have made Mondays my favorite day of the week since that when his emails would come.  In two days he is coming home!  I'm so excited I could jump up and down and do a happy dance.  (I actually have already done both of those things.)  I can't wait to see him, hug him, look him over and make sure that he is doing okay.  One thing this has taught me is to not take my children for granted.  I take every opportunity to hug them, kiss them and talk to them about their lives.  And that makes me very happy!