
Showing posts from September, 2015

Good Health Makes Me Happy

We are pretty lucky at my house.  For the most part we are pretty healthy people.  No health issues of any type.  Unfortunately we take that for granted.  That is until we are miserable because we are sick.  This past week we have had a few health issues of different types.  Our youngest had the flu and now just a miserable cold.  Our oldest had an infection that put him on a few pills for about a week.  Our other daughter had gallstones and has been in pain until the stones finally moved.  Our other son had his braces tightened and so his mouth has hurt so much he hasn't eaten very much.  All in all not a great week at our house.  However, it has been a good reminder to be thankful for our usually healthy family.  That is something to be happy about!

Pictures Make Me Happy

I love to take pictures and I love to look at them.  It makes me smile.  I literally have 1,000s and 1,000s of pictures.  I would not be surprised if I have taken more than 20,000 pictures over the years.  Like I said I love pictures.  I do something that most people don't do though.  I develop all of my pictures.  It's great when they are on my computer, but I want them in my hands.  However, that leaves me with another problem.  How do you store that many pictures?  I have put lots in albums but I am very behind on them.  Also I can't really get adding pictures to my blog.  (Technology is awesome but I'm not very good at it.)  But I do have all of my pictures and that makes me very happy!

I'm Not a Kindergarten Teacher and That Makes Me Happy

I don't know how many of you have ever attended a kindergarten class since you graduated from one, but it is not easy.  Today I helped in a kindergarten class all day.  Normally I'm only in there for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon.  I help with workshops in this class.  The teacher in that class is amazing and does such a good job with those little youngsters.  I love kids and working in the school as an instructional assistant.  I was unprepared though for today.  It was the first day of school for the kindergartners.  They were a little bit bigger classes than last year, but still doable.  At least that is what I thought before they all arrived today.  Then it was like I hit the ground running.  Directing children to do what they were supposed to do.  Reassuring crying kids.  Trying to handle uncooperative kids.  Helping make sure that we got the right children on the right buses.  And so much more.  By the time I got home today I was exhausted!  I can no