
Showing posts from November, 2017

Phone Wallpaper

I love phone wallpaper. The picture that comes up on your phone's lock screen and background on your home screens. I change my quite regularly. And while I love pictures and literally have more than a thousand pictures on my phone, I don't use those for my wallpaper. I could, I just don't. Instead I Google wallpaper. Not just any wallpaper either. Summer wallpaper. Winter wallpaper. Valentines wallpaper. Halloween wallpaper. You get the idea. I change my wallpaper for every season and holiday. When you Google summer wallpaper it brings up hundreds of pictures. You find the picture that you like, save it and then go to settings and pick that picture for your wallpaper. Easy! The hardest part for me is choosing which picture to use. I have a certain style that I can't even really explain. I know what I like. Sometimes it's a crafty looking wallpaper. Sometimes it has a quote. Sometimes it's scenery that I like. Like I said, it's hard to explain my style. But I

Thanksgiving is a Holiday!

I love Christmas. The trees (yes I said trees.) The lights. The feel in the air and in our home. However, unlike stores that have Christmas out before Halloween, I don't decorate until Thanksgiving dinner is over. Thanksgiving is an often over looked holiday. I don't have many decorations for it other than a few pumpkins that go with my Halloween decor as well. But I love that we have a holiday that is all about gratitude. I am a truly blessed person. I have so many things that I am grateful for. The food is great of course, but more importantly is that we get together with family. We eat, talk, laugh and enjoy being together. We watch movies, play games and eat more pie. It's a great holiday - especially when it isn't my year to cook! I hope that before we pull out all of our Christmas decorations that we take time on Thanksgiving to reflect on what we are truly thankful for. Here is a list of a few of the things that I am thankful for (in no particular order....) M