
Showing posts from May, 2017

Hello Again!

It has been a very long time since I last wrote! I can't believe that it has been more than a year! I don't know why it's been so long. I've had plenty that I could have written about. I've thought about this blog now and then and thought I could write about this or that. I guess I am very good at thinking that I will do it tomorrow. Unfortunately, tomorrow never comes. So this summer this blog is a priority. I have more time and my daughter has made lots of plans for us. There will be plenty to write about daily. There are a few changes that I will be making to my blog posts because of that. I will be shifting slightly from just what makes me happy to celebrating our daily life. I will be adding projects that we have done. I will also be writing much longer blog posts. That will take more effort on my part, but I am really excited about it. Also if I know that I will need to be blogging about something tomorrow than I will be less likely to put off the activities t