
Showing posts from March, 2016

Being Healthy Makes Me Very Happy!

I know that I have written about this before but it really is what I am thankful for at this moment.  For more than a week I have had a health issue.  Actually 2 issues.  The first one was in my mouth and caused me to get big canker type sores in my mouth on one side.  In fact my lips swelled up so much on that side that it was really hard to talk.  (It did provide entertainment for my family every time I tried to talk.  It's good that we all have a sense of humor!)  Then I began to get pimple like bumps all over my chin and up my cheek, ear and even into my hairline on the same side as my mouth issues.  The bumps turned big and then scabbed.  So right now I still have a sensitive mouth and scabs on my chin and lower right cheek.  I am taking 9 pills a day! An antiviral for my mouth every three hours and a antibiotic for my face three times a day.   Happily though I no longer have a fever and my mouth isn't in constant pain.  Luckily too, it has been our spring break so I have

People Sharing Makes Me Happy

As kids we are taught to share.  We are taught that it is the nice thing to do.  Sometimes as we get older we forget this lesson.  We don't share.  Sometimes it is actual things that we hold on to tightly or sometimes it is ideas, or answers or even recipes.  I have never understood why people won't share a good recipe with someone who will make it and enjoy it.  Most of the recipes I have are recipes from other people and mostly from my mom.  I love getting new ideas for what to do with chicken.  Or a new treat to try.  Over the years I have asked people for recipes.  Usually they happily agree but every once in a while someone won't share.  That is their right, however I am grateful for those who share.  Some people are incredibly gifted when it comes to cooking and coming up with great recipes.  I ride on those coat tails often. The other day I was going to make some cookies.  My oldest son heard me talking and came to tell me about the cookies that he wanted me to make